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  • September 6, 2024
  • RUN
It’s tempting to make this month’s blog all about back-to-school: sharpened pencils, school bells announcing transitions, the whoosh of school buses braking around town.
Confidence, positive health and joy: the immeasurable effects of Ready to Learn Fair
For many of us summer is the payoff. It’s the treat after a year of hard work and studying. And it’s filled with adventure, travel, relaxation and fun.
Anacortes Schools Foundation

All News

  • September 6, 2024
  • RUN
It’s tempting to make this month’s blog all about back-to-school: sharpened pencils, school bells announcing transitions, the whoosh of school buses braking around town.
Confidence, positive health and joy: the immeasurable effects of Ready to Learn Fair
For many of us summer is the payoff. It’s the treat after a year of hard work and studying. And it’s filled with adventure, travel, relaxation and fun.
The joy and pride on stage the night of the ceremony were palpable. As was the hope.
Our scholarship application is available now and will remain open until April 27th at noon.
  • March 22, 2024
  • RUN
2023 Fueling Education Fun Run proceeds fund ASD 3rd Grade Swimming Program